About Quality plus Solutions LLC (QPS)

Monica Cooke                                       Founder, Quality Plus Solutions LLC

The Challenge

The challenges faced by healthcare organizations throughout the United States in the provision of safety for behavioral health patients and staff are well known. We cannot under-emphasize the shrinking of state resources and national bed availability. Additionally, caring for behavioral health patients can be challenging due to the lack of available community resources for aftercare services. Emergency departments are viewed as the primary care setting for patients suffering from an acute mental health crisis and acute and long term settings are treating this population at an enormous rate. Often, non-behavioral health treatment settings are insufficiently designed and lack of competent staff to provide for the standard of care for this population - which exposes the organization to a variety of risks and liabilities should an adverse event occur. 

About QPS

Quality Plus Solutions LLC (QPS) is a healthcare risk consulting firm that assists organizations in ensuring that they are following both regulatory and accreditation standards in the care of patients with behavioral health needs. Our Consultants are highly credentialed, experienced, and innovative in their approach to quality and risk assessment and management. 

Mission and Goal

Our mission is to work as a collaborative partner with organizations to improve patient and staff safety. 


The goal of QPS is to assist your company in creating a distinct, competitive advantage by assisting you in mitigating risk that can lead to liabilities and work to continuously improve the quality of services you provide to your patients. We can assess your organization’s level of patient safety, quality of care, and the degree of your risk exposures. After a comprehensive assessment, our consultants can make recommendations that will assist in resolving identified administrative, clinical, environmental, and operational risks. It is through this process that you will be able to elevate your organization’s standards of care to the highest degree to minimize potential liabilities.

Our Clients

QPS current clients include some of the largest healthcare insurance companies in the nation, large healthcare networks throughout the country, local governmental agencies, and attorneys. 

Organizations/facilities that have utilized are services include:

  1. Free standing behavioral health/substance abuse treatment settings
  2. Outpatient settings
  3. Acute Care Hospitals
  4. Emergency Departments
  5. Free Standing Medical Clinics
  6. Long Term Care Settings


 “Very professional attitude and approach. Feedback was honest and direct. Very knowledgeable about standards and best practices”. Memorial Hospital, Michigan


“A very worthwhile pro-active risk management investment. Monica’s knowledge was impressive for all involved…she left the participants feeling good about an outsider pointing out their unit’s (therefore their) deficiencies. Her recommendations went hand-in-hand with everyday reality. Nothing was pie in the sky. This was a very valuable, thorough, and credible assessment of our deficiencies and ideas/resources to help us remedy those deficiencies”. Confidential Client

“Extremely valuable risk assessment. Ms. Cooke was a competent expert who shared her expertise in behavioral health risk that will assist us in improving patient safety and decreasing our risks”. Confidential Client

Contact Us

We would love to talk to you anytime to discuss how we can work with you to meet your goals of behavioral health risk mitigation. 

Mcooke@QualityPlusSolutions.com or call 301.442.9216